Window Drain
Drain systems
Window Drain
A properly installed window drain is needed when the window in your basement is backing up with water and water seeps into your basement. At Pouwels Basement Specialists we can solve the problem in two ways.

Ways Set Up Window Drain
The first is by installing a drain system on the outside with a drain to the tile drilled to the footing height and capped with a grate on top to allow water in and keep the leaves, etc. out.
The second option, is most often used when you cannot work on the outside because of a patio or deck. This system is done on the inside of the basement and our Patented Channel Pro© drain system is put in place. This system works very well for a window drain as well as a crack in the wall.
Get Your Window Drain Today!
Let the professionals at Pouwels Basement Specialists bring your egress windows to the next level with a window drain system. Call and get your free quote today!