Qualified Skills
Basement Troubles? Call Us!
In today’s economy more homeowners are finding their basement space is a valuable asset and one of the most economical ways to increase the value of their homes. Before you start, take note of any area that may leak now or in the future. Once you cover it up, you don’t want to go back and start over! Call in an Expert to check it out. Our Professionals at Pouwels Basement Specialists are the area’s foremost Experts in the waterproofing business. Pouwels Basement Specialists have been earning your trust since 1975, with our Custom Poured Foundations. Although we no longer pour foundations, this has put us in a unique position to diagnose the issue and recommend the proper repairs, because we understand basements inside & out. We know if there is a problem, what corners were cut and how to fix it right.
what we do
Our Basement Services
Where doing it right is a way of life. We don’t compromise. Remember that the most expensive repair is not always the best repair.

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